Infrawave infrared

20974 /en/shop/detail/infrared/infrared-cabin/infrawave-infrared/infrared-cabin-infrawave-115-cm-x-101-cm-x-202-cm /media/images/producten/1680x1260/cabine-infrarouge-infrawave-115-x-101-x-202-cm_al-in-3380831.jpg Infrared cabin INFRAWAVE 115 cm x 101 cm x 202 cm AL-IN-3380831
20975 /en/shop/detail/infrared/infrared-cabin/infrawave-infrared/infrared-cabin-infrawave-130-cm-x-101-cm-x-202-cm /media/images/producten/1680x1260/cabine-inrarouge-infrawave-130-x-101-x-202-cm_al-in-3380832.jpg Infrared cabin INFRAWAVE 130 cm x 101 cm x 202 cm AL-IN-3380832
20976 /en/shop/detail/infrared/infrared-cabin/infrawave-infrared/infrared-cabin-infrawave-150-cm-x-101-cm-x-202-cm /media/images/producten/1680x1260/cabine-infrarouge-infrawave-150-x-101-x-202-cm_al-in-3380833.jpg Infrared cabin INFRAWAVE 150 cm x 101 cm x 202 cm AL-IN-3380833
20977 /en/shop/detail/infrared/infrared-cabin/infrawave-infrared/infrared-cabin-infrawave-132-cm-x-132-cm-x-202-cm /media/images/producten/1680x1260/cabine-infrarouge-infrawave-132-x-132-x-202-cm_al-in-3380834.jpg Infrared cabin INFRAWAVE 132 cm x 132 cm x 202 cm AL-IN-3380834

Infrawave infrared
The infrawave infrared cabin is made of original Canadian red cedar wood. The bench is also made of Canadian red cedar. This infrared cabin is equipped with the latest development in infrared radiation: the DUO emitter in one houding. You can choose which one you want: either you opt for heating the air or for the direct in-depth effect. Thanks to the 2 LED RGB strips in the ceiling and the speaker with Bluetooth connection, enjoying and relaxing becomes even easier.

With an infrared cabin, you bring relaxation into your home. An infrared cabin is the investment for your health. The heat rays have a very soothing effect on your muscles and joints. The Infrawave is finished in cedar. Because of the duo of radiators, you can choose between long or short waves.

Infrared cabin
If you are looking for the best investment for your health, an infrared cabin is the best choice. Infrared cabins are everywhere in the wellness world, and more and more people are finding their way there. The heat rays have a very relieving effect on your muscles and joints. In addition, the standard models can be easily connected to a normal power outlet. The infrared rays emit heat which is transferred directly to the body. Because you are sitting directly in front of the infrared radiators, you are quickly warmed up inside and this has a good in-depth effect on your joints and muscles. The temperature does not have to be as high as in a sauna. You regulate the temperature yourself as you wish and moreover, you can open the door of the infrared cabin because the rays work directly on you body. This prevents the oppressive feeling that you get in a classic sauna.
By using a wooden backrest, you can assume an easy position without burning yourself. The lamps are always safely located behind a wooden grille.

Advantages of an infrared cabin

  • Stimulates the blood circulation
  • Positive effect on skin conditions such as psoriasis, acne and eczema
  • Offers better resistance to colds, winter flu and other viruses
  • Reduces muscle tension
  • Reduces stiffness of joints


Did you know?

  • Wellness products such as an infrared cabin offer immeditate added value to your home
  • You can take floor heating as an option.
  • An Infrared cabin consumers very little power.
  • E.G. A 2650 W = 2,650 kW  1,325 x E0,228* per hour= €0,30 per 30 min session.
  • There are three types of radiators: short-wave, medium-wave and long-wave.
  • As of today, you can also opt for dual radiation (short-wave and long-wave)


How does it work?

Tip: In an infrared cabin, you lose a lot of body moisture, so it is advisable to drink a lot of water before, during and afer use.

       1. Drinking water
       2. Undress
       3. Toilet
       4. Take a hot shower and dry off well
       5. Put a towel on the bench and under the feet.
       6. Stay 20-30 minutes in the infrared cabin
       7. To allow your muscles to cool down, rest for 10 min. in a warm room wearing a bathrobe.
       8. Take a hot shower
       9. Drink water

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