Service & Guarantee

We do our best

But things can always go wrong. At the manufacturer, in our warehouse, on the way, during assembly. Stesha Wellness carefully selects the partners it works with, but it can always happen that a problem arises. That is unfortunate, but what is important is that we will do everything in our power to solve the problem as quickly and as well as possible. 

We can do this best if we have as much information as possible about your request. That way, we can quickly solve the problem by, for example, exhanging or sending you the correct or missing part. We also investigate how the error occurred. Did something go wrong during the transport? Did the mechanic make a mistake? Did something go wrong at our warehouse? 

In a few steps to a solution:  

  Download here the service form  

1. Complete the information in the form above
2. Always add some pictures with your request
3. Send everything to

Make sure you fill in the correct contact details so that we can help you quickly. We will always confirm receipt of your service request. 


All products come with a standard of 2 year manufacturer's warranty, unless otherwise mentioned on the product. If there are any problems with the product, it is best to contact Stesha Wellness so that the staff can provide you with the necessary explanations on how to solve the problem as quick as possible. If the goods have to be sent to us for repair, the cost of sending the item will be charged to the client. The repair as well as the associated transport costs will be at our expense if warranty applies. If it is no longer possible to repair an item, it will be replaced with an equivalent item. 

Please note that the warranty will expire if intentional damage was caused or if the product is no longer in its original state. Guarantee is not to be confused with wear an tear. 

Questions or comments? 

We attach great importance to the proper handling of service requests. Not only because we want to guarantee you a good product service, but also because we want to continuously improve our services. After every problem, we look at how we can ensure that it does not happen again in the future. 

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